Dealing with customer complaints

Dear Custumers,

According to the 10th article of Law on Consumer Protection (NN nr 41/14), we inform you that complaint with which you express your dissatisfaction about provided service can be submitted in written form to the office manager. The receipt of the complaint will be confirmed in writing form without postponement

The complaint can also be submitted by the post service on the address:

Dubrovnik Route

Brgatska 13

2000 Dubrovnik


By following e-mail address:

Reply to your written complaint will be given in written lates 15 days from the complaint receipt



Cijenjeni potrošači,


Sukladno čl. 10. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača (Nar. Nov., br. 41/14), obavješatavmo Vas da, ukoliko imate primjedbe na kupljene proizvode ili pruženu uslugu,

Pisani prigovor možete predati voditelju prodajnog objekta te će Vam bez odgađanja primitak prigovora biti pismeno potvrđen.

Prigovor također možete poslati poštom na adresu društva:

Dubrovnik Route

Brgatska 13

20000 Dubrovnik


Elektroničkom poštom na e-mail:

Na Vaš prigovor odgovorit ćemo u pisanom obliku u roku od 15 dana od zaprimanja